2020 Forum Results

Arizona State University
2020 BIG Idea Poster ASU
Technical Paper: “VELOS - Variable Exploratory Lunar Observation System”
Faculty Advisors: James Bell and Tyler Smith
View ASU's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Innovation Award

Colorado School of Mines with the University of Arizona
2020 BIG Idea Poster CSM and UAZ
Technical Paper: “Lunar Autonomous Scalable Emitter and Receiver (LASER) System”
Faculty Advisor: George Sowers
View the CSM/UAZ Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Collaboration Award

Dartmouth College
2020 BIG Idea Poster Dartmouth
Technical Paper: “SHREWs: Strategic Highly-compliant Roving Explorers of other Worlds”
Faculty Advisor: Laura Ray
View Dartmouth's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Best Technical Paper

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2020 BIG Idea Poster MIT
Technical Paper: “Multifunctional Expandable Lunar Lite and Tall Tower (MELLTT)”
Faculty Advisors: Jeffrey Hoffman, Dava Newman, Olivier de Weck
View MIT's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Path-to-Flight Award
Peer Award for Industry Collaboration

Michigan Technological University
2020 BIG Idea Poster MTU
Technical Paper: “T-REX (Tethered - permanently shaded Region EXplorer)”
Faculty Advisor: Paul van Susante
View MTU's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Awards: The Artemis Award
Peer Awards for "Above and Beyond" & "Fly Me to the Moon"

Northeastern University
2020 BIG Idea Poster Northeastern
Technical Paper: “SCOUT (Surveying Craft for Observing Unexplored Terrain) and DOGHOUSE (Deployable Out-of-crater Generator for Holding and Utilizing Solar Energy)”
Faculty Advisors: Alireza Ramezani and Taskin Padir
View Northeastern's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Awards: Most Creative Concept
Peer Awards for "Best System/Project Nickname" and "Perseverance"

Pennsylvania State University
2020 BIG Idea Poster Penn State
Technical Paper: “Instrument for Performing Light Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in a Lunar Permanently Shadowed Region (PSR)”
Faculty Advisors: Sven Bilén, Joseph Portelli, Jess McTernan
View Penn State's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Science Vision Award

University of Virginia
 2020 BIG Idea Poster UVA
Technical Paper: “Beaming of Energy via Laser for Lunar Exploration (BELLE)”
Faculty Advisors: Mool Gupta
View UVA's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Awards: Best Technical Demonstration AND Best Technical Poster