2021 Challenge

2021 Theme Flyer

2021 Competition Judges

Michael Johansen, NASA STMD, 2021 BIG Idea Chairmen
Dr. Carlos Calle, NASA KSC
Dr. Kristen John, NASA JSC
Kevin Kempton, NASA Langley Research Center
Damian Ludwiczak, NASA GRC
Michael Manginelli, NASA MSFC
Dr. Philip Metzger, University of Central Florida
R. Vijaykumar, AERFIL
Dr. Valerie Wiesner, NASA LaRC

2021 Lunar Dust Challenge Finalist Teams

Click each poster to expand in a new tab. Posters may take a moment to load.

Watch the Livestream Recording

The Washington State University Team in their Lab

Artemis Award Recipient:
Washington State University

2021 BIG Idea Poster WSU
Technical Paper: Leidenfrost Dusting as a Novel Tool for Lunar Dust Mitigation
Advisors: Dr. Jacob Leachman, Dr. John McCloy, and Dr. Konstantin Matveev
View WSU's Forum Presentation on YouTube
Forum Awards: Best Technical Paper; The Artemis Award

Brown University with the Rhode Island School of Design
2021 BIG Idea Poster Brown RISD
Technical Paper: TEST-RAD: Tufted Electrostatic Solution To Regolith Adhesion Dilemma
Advisors: Dr. Rick Fleeter and Dr. Christopher Bull
View Brown & RISD's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Most Creative Concept

California Institute of Technology
2021 BIG Idea Poster CalTech
Technical Paper: Habitat Orientable and Modular Electrodynamic Shield (HOMES)
Advisors: Dr. Soon-Jo Chung, Richard Abbott, Dr. Manan Arya, Dr. Charles Elachi, Dr. Jason Kastner, Dr. Michael Mello
View CalTech's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Best Product Development

Colorado School of Mines with ICON, Masten Space Systems, Adherent Technologies Inc., TexTech, & The Composite Applications Group
2021 BIG Idea Poster Colorado School of Mines
Technical Paper: Lunar In-Situ Landing/Launch Environment (LILL-E) Pad
Advisors: Dr. George Sowers, Dr. Christopher Dreyer, Dr. Kevin Cannon, Jason Ballard, Matthew Kuhns, Dr. Ronald Allred, John Unser, Dr. James Stahl
View CSM's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Best Collaboration and Systems Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology
2021 BIG Idea Poster GATech
Technical Paper: Hybrid Dust Mitigation Brush Utilizing EDS and UV Technologies
Advisors: Dr. Julie Linsey, Dr. Edgar Glenn Lightsey, Dr. Thomas Orlando, Dr. Micah Schaible, and Dr. Zach Seibers
View Georgia Tech's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Best Human Factors Design

Missouri University of Science & Technology with the University of Notre Dame
2021 BIG Idea Poster MUS&T
Technical Paper: Contaminant Ultrasonic Removal via Vibration Ejection from Solar Cells
Advisors: Dr. Daniel Stutts, Dr. Yezad Anklesaria, Dr. Jonathan Kimball, Dr. Fatih Dogan, Dr. Daoru Han, Dr. Ed Kinzel, and Dr. Leslie Gertsch
View MU S&T's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Best Subsystem Design

University of Central Florida with Morphotonics
2021 BIG Idea Poster UCF
Technical Paper: LETO - Lunar Dust Mitigating Electrostatic micro-Textured Overlay
Advisor: Dr. Lei Zhai
View UCF's Presentation on YouTube
Forum Award: Best Technical Poster